Meet gorgeous women! Find long lost treasure, explore the island of Cape Vedra and build your harem in Treasure of Nadia!
Both the mysteries, and the women, are yours to discover!
Cape Vedra is home to many interesting women! The doctor, the librarian, the archeologist, the famous celebrity… Which one is your favorite? Can you handle them all?
There are many ancient secrets in Cape Vedra. Who Left all this treasure behind? It’s your job to find out as you discover lost artifacts and use them to fund your adventure in Treasure of Nadia!
As you explore the Ancient Temple you will come across some intricately designed puzzles. They might be challenging, but the rewards are just as sweet as the feeling of conquering them!
Are you ready to put your skills to the test?
Get ready to deepen your relationships with each of these gorgeous women!
Some of them might take a liking to you from the very beginning, while others may take a bit more effort to get to know. Will you enchant every single one of them?
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